

Two Conversations: Toward a New Language

November 11, 2021 - February 27, 2022 AT MODERNISM WEST

A collaboration between Alex Nichols and Mushi Wooseong James


Still Conversations: San Francisco to Seoul #32


Archival print with Handwritten Excerpts
39.75 x 60 inches


MODERNISM is pleased to announce the exhibition “Two Conversations: Toward a New Language” by ALEXANDMUSHI, a collaboration between artists Alex Nichols and Mushi Wooseong James. “Two Conversations: Toward a New Language” is a multimedia dialogue across time, space, and bodies, gathering two bodies of work developed over the past six years: “Two Chairs” 2017-2021 and “Still Conversations” 2015-2019. In 2015, frustrated with the limits of traditional forms of communication, ALEXANDMUSHI set out to uncover a new language of interpersonal connection, using objects and the body as sites for experimentation. Both works combine playfulness with simple artistic constraints to challenge normative modes of communication and explore new, more organic forms of knowing. Photography, video, writing, and performance are used not as documentation of these experiments, but as artifacts themselves, direct performances of the language ALEXANDMUSHI have developed over the years. Taken together, these works deconstruct our thoughtless habits and turn them into new possibilities.